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Christian Brothers' Primary School, Armagh
Christian Brothers' Primary School, Armagh

Obair na Seachtaine - Seachtain 9 sa Bhaile

12th Jun 2020

Cuireadh an téama ‘Tubaistí Nádúrtha’ i gcrích le linn na seachtaine seo. (We wrapped up the ‘Natural Disasters’ topic this week).

D’fhoghlaim na páistí faoi bholcáin, go háirithe Mount Vesuvius agus bhí deis acu turgnamh a dhéanamh sa bhaile lena mbolcán féin a chruthú. (The children learned about volcanoes, particularly Mount Vesuvius and they had a chance to do an experiment at home, creating their own volcanic reaction).

Sheas turgnamh Jack amach agus feicfidh sibh uilig go bhfuil duais na seachtaine tuillte go mór aige. (Jack’s volcano experiment really stood out and you can see from his photos that he fully deserves this week’s prize).

Le meas,

Múinteoir Mac Liam