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Christian Brothers' Primary School, Armagh
Christian Brothers' Primary School, Armagh

Home Learning

Mon 22nd June 2020

I can’t believe we have reached the end of our Primary 2 year together.

You have been such a wonderful class and we have enjoyed so many fun times throughout the year.

Parents, thank you so much for everything over the past few months of home schooling. I understand how challenging it can be getting the children to do work, especially when the weather has been so good to us. I appreciate that a lot of parents were either out working or working from home and trying to home school as well!

I also want to thank you for all your support and kindness right from September. It has been lovely getting to know you all!

Boys and girls, it has been an absolute pleasure teaching you this year and I have enjoyed every single moment. There wasn’t a day that I didn’t feel super proud of your achievements or smile because of your smiles. We laughed, we sang, we danced, we drew, we grew and most importantly we learned. You all brightened our classroom and I will miss each and every single one of you. Remember to always strive to be the best you can be!

My door is always open if you ever need a chat.
I wish you every success in Primary 3. Have a brilliant summer

I hope you enjoy watching this video of all our memories together. 

Take care,
Miss Breen 🌸