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Christian Brothers' Primary School, Armagh
Christian Brothers' Primary School, Armagh

After-School Activities Imeachtaí Iarscoile

The school provides afterschool clubs and activities throughout the school year to all pupils and the activities are organised over two sessions each day from 2pm-3pm and 3pm-4pm. Cuirtear gníomhaíochtaí iarscoile ar fáil tríd an scoilbhliain. Bíonn deis ag gach dalta páirt a ghlacadh iontu agus reáchtáiltear iad thar dhá sheisiún gach lá ó 2i.n-3i.n agus 3i.n-4i.n.  

Listed below you'll find a full list of the clubs and activities provided; Thíos luaite tá liosta iomlán de na clubanna agus gníomhaíochtaí éagsúla atá ar fáil