Pastoral Care Tréadchúram
Child Protection / Cosaint Pháistí
Mission Statement / Ráiteas Misin
The Christian Brothers’ Primary School, Armagh is inspired by the vision of Blessed Edmund Rice and is committed to the development and growth of the whole person. Fundamental to the ethos of our school is the recognition of each pupil as an individual with his/her own special abilities, gifts, needs, personality and cultural background.
Our staff are committed to developing the pupil’s self-awareness, independence, self-confidence and a self valuing that enables each to take up his/her own life and to make the right choices. To this end, our concern centres on the integral development of each child so that all may be enabled to achieve their full potential.
Aims and Ethos of our Policy
“Children have the right to be protected from all forms of violence, they must be kept safe from harm and they must be given proper care by those looking after them..”
(UN convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 19)
“When adults or organisations make decisions which affect children, they must think first about what would be best for the child.”
(UN convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 13)
Our Pastoral Care policy and practice is underpinned by an ethos of caring for the total welfare of the child. Our hope is that it helps supports teachers, parents and pupils themselves in keeping every child safe and well. We aim to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment where individuals are valued for their unique talents and abilities and able to fully reach their potential.
In all interactions the interest of the child will be paramount.
In all their contact with pupils all staff in Christian Brothers’ Primary School follow the guideline and procedures described in the DENI publication ‘Safeguarding & Child Protection in Schools’ Circular 2017/04 (amended September 2019; updated June 2020, updated June 2022; updated October 2023) and the SBNI Core Child Protection Policy and Procedures (2017).
Our Child Protection has three main elements:
- Pupils being encouraged to develop strategies to keep safe.
- Ensuring, through careful vetting procedures that only suitable persons work with our pupils
- Recognising and responding appropriately to child abuse concerns when they are raised about a child.
We are able to fulfil the aims of this policy by implementing our other pastoral care policies alongside this one, such as the Pastoral Care policy, ERST Charter, Anti-Bullying Policy, the Behaviour Policy, Staff Code of Conduct Policy, First Aid Policy, Acceptable Use Policy for the Internet & Digital Technologies, Intimate Care Policy, PDMU Policy and Mobile Phone Policy to name just a few.
Child Protection Designated Teacher
Child Protection Designated Teacher
Child Protection Deputy Designated Teacher