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Christian Brothers' Primary School, Armagh
Christian Brothers' Primary School, Armagh

All Class News

2023/2024 School Year

28th Jun 2024
We had great fun on our school trip.
28th Jun 2024
We hope you enjoyed our end of year presentation.
27th Jun 2024
Cé go raibh sé ag cur fearthainne bhí lá iontach ag páistí...
26th Jun 2024
Bhí spórt agus spraoi againn i Cheeky Monkey’s ag dreapadh, ag...
26th Jun 2024
P3 children had a blast this morning with WEEV🏎️The children were learning about...
25th Jun 2024
We all enjoyed a fun day together at Cheeky Monkeys today! We think from the...
20th Jun 2024
11th Jun 2024
Molaim go mór na hiarrachtaí a chur Rang 3 isteach ar Lá Spóirt...