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Christian Brothers' Primary School, Armagh
Christian Brothers' Primary School, Armagh

All Class News - Mrs Mackle

28th Jun 2024
We had great fun on our school trip.
28th Jun 2024
We hope you enjoyed our end of year presentation.
14th Mar 2024
We were introduced to symmetry through painting one side of our butterfly and then...
11th Mar 2024
We made our mum a lovely card for Mother’s Day . 
11th Mar 2024
We have great fun dressing up for World Book Day . Browse our fantastic coustumes.
11th Mar 2024
We made characters using clay and painted them afterwards.
11th Mar 2024
We used non-standard equipment to measure items.
13th Feb 2024
Today we made our own deserts using sand.
13th Feb 2024
Today Miss McCormack made delicious pancakes with all the children.  We thoroughly...