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Christian Brothers' Primary School, Armagh
Christian Brothers' Primary School, Armagh

All Class News

18th Dec 2023
Tá ceiliúradh na Nollag tosaithe againn in R5! Bhí lá...
18th Dec 2023
Some photos of our class on their Christmas mile walk.
18th Dec 2023
Today we completed our final Daily Mile to make room for our delicious Christmas...
18th Dec 2023
Primary 3 have had lots of fun, festive activities in school this week… we...
15th Dec 2023
Bhí Rang 1 ag fanacht le treoracha sa cheacht corpoideachais agus amach as...
15th Dec 2023
Nach bhfuil cuma mhaith orainn inár n-éadaí Nollag!? Nollaig...
15th Dec 2023
Today ended our Friday mile walk for 2023 in our Christmas jumper . 
15th Dec 2023
This week in class we have been learning about The Nativity.   Have a...
14th Dec 2023
Well done to all the P5/R5-P7/R7 pupils on a festive and holy performance for our...
14th Dec 2023
The boys and girls posted their letters in the CBS postbox and now they are heading...