All Class News - Mr Lavelle
2019/2020 School Year
18th Dec 2019
Special praise for Cara who went over and above, in writing a fantastic poem about...
18th Dec 2019
Special recognition to those pupils who consistently score really well in their...
18th Dec 2019
We have been very busy making our snow people in time for Christmas. We wish all...
27th Nov 2019
Our P5 classes were delighted to receive a visit from local firemen. They learned...
22nd Nov 2019
Thanks to our coaches, the boys and girls had a great time in the hall.
30th Oct 2019
Plenty of style and creativity for our Halloween dress up day. A few scary outfits...
10th Oct 2019
Well done to these pupils who were reading over the summer and managed to log into...
25th Sep 2019
We have been loving PE, doing basketball and now getting coaching from Kevin.
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- An tUas. Ó Duibh
- An tUas. Ó Gealbháin
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- Iníon Níc Conmhaoil
- Iníon Uí Shiadhail
- Múinteoir Ó Duibh
- Múinteoir Ó Gealbháin
- Múinteoir Mac Liam
- Miss C.Breen
- Miss Foley
- Miss Loughran
- Miss Mackin
- Miss Martin
- Miss S.Breen
- Miss. Moran
- Mr Doyle
- Mr Lavelle
- Mr Mc Neice
- Mr McWilliams
- Mr Quinn
- Mrs Mackle
- Mrs McAnerney
- Mrs McAuley
- Mrs Morris
- Mrs Turley
- Primary 3 - Miss Conlon
- Primary 5 Mr. O'Neill
- Primary 6 - Mr. Coleman
- Rang 1 - Iníon Uí Choinn
- Rang 2 - Iníon Ní Riain
- Rang 3 - Iníon Nic an tSagairt
- Rang 4 - Bn Uí Mhaoláin
- Rang 5 Bean Ui Dhonnghaile