All Class News - Mr Lavelle
2018/2019 School Year
27th Mar 2019
Following our successful Readathon week we have already purchased some new books....
8th Feb 2019
We had a fantastic trip out to the Navan Fort Centre to find out more about Ancient...
24th Jan 2019
We enjoyed our guests from Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland.
We completed work...
22nd Dec 2018
We have been very busy with out snowmen and Christmas decorations. Hope you love...
12th Nov 2018
All the P5 children had a visit from local firefighters to learn about fire safety....
11th Nov 2018
Well done to everyone who completed their election manifestos. Congratulations to...
12th Oct 2018
A quick note to show how parents can login to see their child's progress, and also...
- All
- An tUas. Ó Duibh
- An tUas. Ó Gealbháin
- ASC/LSC Class
- Bean Mhic Mhánais
- Bean Uí Fhiaich
- Bn Mhic Craith
- Homepage
- Iníon Níc Conmhaoil
- Iníon Uí Shiadhail
- Múinteoir Ó Duibh
- Múinteoir Ó Gealbháin
- Múinteoir Mac Liam
- Miss C.Breen
- Miss Foley
- Miss Loughran
- Miss Mackin
- Miss Martin
- Miss S.Breen
- Miss. Moran
- Mr Doyle
- Mr Lavelle
- Mr Mc Neice
- Mr McWilliams
- Mr Quinn
- Mrs Mackle
- Mrs McAnerney
- Mrs McAuley
- Mrs Morris
- Mrs Turley
- Primary 3 - Miss Conlon
- Primary 5 Mr. O'Neill
- Primary 6 - Mr. Coleman
- Rang 1 - Iníon Uí Choinn
- Rang 2 - Iníon Ní Riain
- Rang 3 - Iníon Nic an tSagairt
- Rang 4 - Bn Uí Mhaoláin
- Rang 5 Bean Ui Dhonnghaile